This caught my eye, as it addresses how risk teams are struggling and succeeding to manage their resources, charter and success with the firm: “The IG Elephant in the Room: Protecting Your Team and Your Firm in the Age of COVID-19” —
- “The coronavirus pandemic is causing significant disruption, uncertainty and change across the globe. The legal profession isn’t unique in having to face monumental challenges — but many of the challenges it is facing are most certainly unique, and call for unique responses.”
- “Over the past several weeks, I’ve been speaking regularly with information governance leaders at law firms nationally — to better understand the evolving issues they’re facing and the specific measures they’re taking to cope. While there’s tremendous pressure facing IG and records teams, there are also success stories to be told, and response strategies that we can all learn from. In this update, I’ll explore both, and share my own perspective on the unprecedented landscape we face.”
- “The leaders I’m speaking with are all confronting varying obstacles based on their scope of responsibilities, the state of their firm, and the resources they have to work with. But when it comes to information governance there is indeed an urgent elephant in the room. And that’s the fundamental reality that IG teams — both the people comprising them and the functions they perform — are at risk.”
- “They are at risk because many firms are in “cost-cutting” mode — searching for projects to put on hold and staff to furlough or even discharge. They are at risk because in a world that’s now 100% remote their role and function are unclear or misunderstood by management. And they are at risk because as firms adjust to new work patterns, some resources have just found themselves idle.”
- “The good news is that this “elephant” is not unmovable. The world has changed, but IG remains a critical function. And even during these incredibly challenging times, there is opportunity for IG to expand its support for firms in ways that help organizations improve efficiency, better support lawyers, and manage critical risk and compliance responsibilities that remain as relevant and urgent as ever.”
- “I know this because firms are telling me about positive change that is already happening. Of course, not automatically. And definitely not without the determined, focused effort of committed IG leaders. But it is happening.”
See the full article for various interesting examples and advice shared.