Risk Update

Webinar (Confidentiality & Compliance) — Data Loss Prevention: ILTA Survey Results and Peer Discussion

Likely on the technical side, but definitely relevant for those looking at the intersection of software, human factors and risk, comes webinar overview from ILTA: “Data Loss Prevention: Survey Results and Peer Discussion” —

  • TIME: JULY 16, 2020, 11:00 AM ET, 8:00 AM PT
  • DETAILS: “Please join us for a roundtable discussion around the DLP survey as a result of COVID-19 and the new working from home conditions. With the COVID-19 crisis, increased cyber threats to firm systems and data have been reported. This roundtable will hopefully provide additional tools, procedures, or other controls to decrease this emerging risk.”
  • “Over 70 firms participated in the DLP survey. Some of the roundtable topics for discussion based on survey results:
    • What technical solutions firms are using to decrease the risk of Data Loss/Leak prevention(DLP).
    • Does your organization use a tool for data discovery?
    • Where is a data loss prevention tool deployed?
    • Does your application and website URL filtering apply outside of your network?
    • Is printing from home allowed?
    • What policies or procedures can be put in place or updated as part of information governance?


  • Marcos Marcal – Information Security & Risk Manager at Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP
  • Abraham D. Miller-Barbarow – Information Governance Risk Manager at Ropes & Gray LLP