Risk Update

The Risk Blog Returns (No, It’s Not April Fool’s Day)

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I’m delighted to announce the launch of the Bressler Risk Blog (BRB). Some of you may remember that from 2009-2017 I published a law firm risk blog, whilst wearing a different hat.

Having changed lanes professionally and re-emerged in 2018 with hands well full, I’ve still felt an itch unscratched. (And appreciate the many who have reached out over the hiatus with blogging encouragement — always nice to know that folks out there are real and reading!)

This new blog is a fresh start and a new experiment — and I’m looking forward to seeing how the story continues to play out. 

I’d like to encourage everyone who isn’t receiving email updates to sign up for them. And to send word to your friends and colleagues to do the same. Tweets, LinkedIn posts, emails forwarded to colleagues are all welcome!

Finally, I’d like to encourage anyone with tips, stories and resources to share to get in touch. I’m always grateful for the articles, decisions, and even snarky comments readers have been known to send in from time to time. 

And, as they say, away we go!
