Several updates to share on the IG front. First, wanted to make sure interested parties didn’t miss that in the post-Thanksgiving Black Friday glow, ILTA published it’s latest white paper, which is excellent: “ILTA Information Governance“.
Thought it worth highlight a few interesting contributions, starting with: “ILTA’s 2019 Information Governance Survey Results.” They present a wealth of charts and graphs, calling out several key details —
- “It seems surprising that nearly 54% of the respondents said they did not have a defined IG program, and in most organizations (69%), records and IG are not separate.”
- “The biggest IG challenge with moving IG forward is that the majority of firms (59%) don’t understand the value of IG (they either don’t know what it is, or it’s not a priority.) Only just over 10% are ‘getting it.'”
- “While 72% of respondents indicated that have an active disposition program, 63% still exempt executives/partners from Information Governance requirements. For the 37% who do not permit exceptions, thank you!”
- “Only 52% of firms are actually completing thorough/defensible records destruction by destroying both paper and electronic records.”
- “Most firms have a retention policy (82%), but only 16% of firms have software to manage retention.”
- “Of the 48% of firms that have a Matter Mobility function, only 14% think it’s ‘very mature,’ and only 28% have teams dedicated to support matter mobility functions.”