jobs (listed)Risk Update

BRB Risk Jobs Board — Conflicts Analyst & Conflicts Counsel Positions

I’m pleased and curious to run another experiment, this time it’s a sponsored job post.

Patricia Gallardo, Associate General Counsel at Quarles & Brady astutely judged that the smartest, most driven law firm risk professionals read the Bressler Risk Blog. She’s looking to hire two positions:

Conflicts Analyst

Conflicts Counsel

These are remote-friendly positions, subject to mutual fit, open to residents in:

  • Arizona, California, Colorado, Washington D.C., Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Idaho, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin

Patty and I first crossed paths last year and have had a few engaging risk discussions. If I were conflicts-qualified and looking for work, I’d definitely explore joining her team.

And if you’re interested in seeing your firm’s listings here, please feel free to reach out…