Risk Update

IG Week+ (Part 5) — Mixing IG with Marketing Principles to Maximize Success

Okay, like overly-retained records, IG Week turned out to run a little longer than planned. But this final update I wanted to share from the ILTA IG White Paper touches concepts near and dear to my heart (with lessons applicable well beyond IG).

From Lauren Doerries (Information Governance Business Process Manager at Morgan Lewis) comes: “Using Marketing Principles to Effectively Communicate Your Information Governance Program.” For specific details and recommendations, do check out the complete article. Here are some thematic highlights —

  • “The act of ‘marketing’ can be described as the process of communicating value to your customers… In this article, we’ll explore how traditional marketing strategies and techniques can help you to elevate the visibility and communicate the value of information governance within your firm.”
  • “A key element of any successful marketing strategy is deciding on how to best position your product to appeal to your target market. It’s no secret that buy-in and support from sponsors and high-level stakeholders is critical for an IG program to become established and continue to thrive. Still, many of us struggle with how to attract the attention of the busiest, most important (and often most elusive) people at your firm while at the same time convincing them of your value.”
  • “Framing your IG initiatives through the lens of how they align with existing internal compliance efforts allows you to go where the attention of leadership already is, instead of competing for it with larger, more established and often better funded groups.”
  • “Developing an effective internal communication strategy to market your IG program, and IG itself, is an important first step towards planning how you’ll engage with your audience… Creating a communication plan doesn’t have to be complicated, and chances are you’ve already informally mapped out some of the components. A basic plan can be as simple as documenting the ‘Who’, ‘What’ and ‘How’ of what it is you’re trying to say.”
  • “Once you’ve identified your audience and crafted your message, it’s time to start developing ideas for how to get and keep your audience actively engaged.”
  • “In order to keep your IG program relevant to your organizational culture, and to sustained employee engagement levels, you must be willing to continually reimagine your role as an IG professional. One way to do this is by continuing to embrace new stakeholders and tools.”
  • “Successfully adapting and applying marketing strategies to your IG program will help you to build and strengthen relationships with your stakeholders by creating and sharing a compelling story about the true value of information governance to your firm.”